Wouldn't it be great if two guys just sat down and cleared some things up about the rapture, the end times, and careers in shot putting? Writer, Gary DeMar, and filmmaker Darren Doane do just that in "Gary & The End of the World".
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 8
Gary and Darren discuss the missing rapture, the one that was supposed to happen in 1988 (or 1989). They also note the uncomfortable issue of the slaughter of millions of Jews required by the dispensational system.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 9
The lack of a rapture causes consternation and endless revising of the interpretations. Bart Ehrman, a prominent modern Bible critic, rejects Christianity due in part to rapture fever.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 5
Gary and Darren discuss Zionism and the nation of Israel. The political nature of the kingdom of man and the spiritual nature of the Kingdom of God have two very different goals.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 7
Gary and Darren discuss what supposedly happens after the Rapture, according to dispensational eschatology. This is the point in the story where Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins sell a huge pile of books.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 6
Gary describes the positive and negative cultural effects to come from Evangelicalism's obsession with 'Late, Great Planet Earth.' Evangelism was high, but other cultural responsibilities were left undone.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 8
Gary and Darren discuss the missing rapture, the one that was supposed to happen in 1988 (or 1989). They also note the uncomfortable issue of the slaughter of millions of Jews required by the dispensational system.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 9
The lack of a rapture causes consternation and endless revising of the interpretations. Bart Ehrman, a prominent modern Bible critic, rejects Christianity due in part to rapture fever.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 10
Eschatology keeps coming up in the culture. Hal Lindsey is taken to task and spells out what was to become his legacy. The plot thickens...
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 11
Gary and Darren discuss the Olivet Discourse. While some commentators try to do some creative changing of the audience that Jesus is addressing, Gary shows that the context won't allow it.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 13
Gary and Darren discuss a book by J. Marcellus Kik and the importance of Josephus' writings. Gary discovers that interpreting the Bible with the Bible can actually be done.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 12
Gary and Darren discuss Matthew 21-24 and how "this generation" is used throughout these chapters. Context is king, and the Bible gives interpretative clues that make the full force of these chapters impossible to ignore: "you" means "them."
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 15
Gary and Darren discuss incrementalism and Gary's response to the popular prophecy writers. Once an individual finds the antidote for rapture fever, there is much work to be done. And just like weight-training, it is little by little.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 14
Gary and Darren discuss the implications of end times thinking on the present. What you believe about tomorrow deeply influences how you live your life today. If your eschatology is wrong, your view on present reality will be wrong. Theology isn't just some abstract topic; it has very real consequences on everyday life.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 16
Gary and Darren finish their conversation. Jesus did come as He said, within the generation of His first-century audience and the words of Scripture are certain and true. Even smug skeptics can be silenced (if only for a brief time) by this consistent apologetic.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 4
'The Late, Great Planet Earth' sold more copies in the 1970s than 'The Joy of Sex.' Hal Lindsey placed great significance on Israel becoming a nation again in 1948, and all kinds of (wrong) speculations came about because of this book that are still held today.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 2
The beginning of Gary's personal eschatology story: no hope replaced with hope; no future replaced with a very busy one.
Gary and the End of the World
Episode 3
Watch and learn how Hal Lindsey's (in)famous book about the rapture was instrumental in Gary's life story...